Monday, January 21, 2008

Just a Short Note . . .

Hi again:
I am really excited about this blog stuff . . . but a bit--no--a lot nervous about it. Mimi showed me so many things and I want to know it all--now! Isn't that just like us humans--wanting it all now. This little note is really a test to see if I can post on my own . . . won't she be proud of me. I wanted to say something profound, but here I am without any profundity at all about me.

One profound statement is that God is so good all the time, and yet it is such a simple truth for those of us who know Him. What would I do without Him? I can't even fathom it. At times, this truth just lies there--dormant like perennial flowers in the winter; and at others, it rises up inside of me, and I want to shout alleluia to the whole world. That reason alone shows His goodness--He loves me in my dormant seasons as well as in my blossoming seasons. Jesus truly is the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon.

Isn't it just like the Holy Spirit to inspire such beautiful names to describe Him--and some are flowers--of course.
Until next time.

In Him,
Jim's Patty

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hi, It's Jim's Patty, Can I Join You?

Hello dear friends in Blogland!

I finally made it with the help of my friend Mimi from Listen to Your Grammie. I couldn't have done it without her. I am so happy to join you as I have visited many of your sites for the past few months. This is such a blessing to me to be able to "post" with you and share the Lord and many other things in our lives.

As you can see, I love flowers. This picture surely depicts the way I feel . . . looking through a garden of new friends--you! Please visit frequently. I am looking forward to this new season of my life.

May God bless you richly,
Jim's Patty