Monday, January 21, 2008

Just a Short Note . . .

Hi again:
I am really excited about this blog stuff . . . but a bit--no--a lot nervous about it. Mimi showed me so many things and I want to know it all--now! Isn't that just like us humans--wanting it all now. This little note is really a test to see if I can post on my own . . . won't she be proud of me. I wanted to say something profound, but here I am without any profundity at all about me.

One profound statement is that God is so good all the time, and yet it is such a simple truth for those of us who know Him. What would I do without Him? I can't even fathom it. At times, this truth just lies there--dormant like perennial flowers in the winter; and at others, it rises up inside of me, and I want to shout alleluia to the whole world. That reason alone shows His goodness--He loves me in my dormant seasons as well as in my blossoming seasons. Jesus truly is the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon.

Isn't it just like the Holy Spirit to inspire such beautiful names to describe Him--and some are flowers--of course.
Until next time.

In Him,
Jim's Patty


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful statement about God. I totally agree. I really don't know what I would do or where I would be without Him. He is so wonderful.


Mimi said...

you have proven to yourself that you
are capable of doing much more than you give yourself credit for..

you have expressed your love for God and His goodness and you have done it on YOUR Blog... all by yourself...
Congratulations on your solo post!!

Unknown said...

WELCOME! I surfed here via Mimi's blog. Your new blog just beautiful! Very tranquil and godly. I'm enchanted by the name of your doggy! How precious to call him/her (oops) BlessingPlease link on over to my blog anytime!

nannykim said...

Well congrats!! you did it!! God is good all of the time---that reminds me of a cursillo I went to --I went to the ending group meeting. All through the weekend the ones in attendence kept repeating that phrase... That God is good all of the time. This weekend occured when many firemen were killed in a fire in Charleston, SC. The Priest (Episcopal)--had stressed this--He was the main guy ministering to the families that suffered losses. His own son was a fireman and he knew he could have lost him too. He went to minister to the families and then would come back to the island where the cursillo meeting was held. The prayers for him gave him the strengh of God's Spirit to sustain and empower him to minister to the families. I arrived for the last meeting and heard the testimonies of all those who had attended the weekend--It was humbling and awesome.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Welcome to blog land. Isn't it great to have a place to praise and to express your love wether it be for God or a recipe for a good dish.

nannykim said...

ok--you need to do some more posting ;-)

Jim's Patty said...


Well, here I go again. I wanted to put a little post under Blessing's new picture, but couldn't figure out how to do it. In any event, I thought she would look so cute with those little purple flowers around her. They are called Calibrachoa and are precious just like her.

This past week has been hectic, hence, not much blogging. I know that practice is probably the best way to learn this blogging stuff, so I'll keep trying.

Have a great week in the Lord!

Jim's Patty

Jodi said...

Patty ~

He loves me in my dormant seasons as well as in my blooming seasons.

What a wonderful truth to keep fresh in our minds! :o)

Your little Blessing looks adorable surrounded with the purple flowers. Hang in there with the blogging techie stuff; all the ends and outs will eventually become second nature. :o)

Jim's Patty said...


Thanks for the encouragement. Your Mom/aka Mimi, has been a lifesaver. In fact, she just sent me more instructions.

I have another post saved, but must wait to have permission to include pictures.

Hope I can do it . . .

In Him,
Jim's Patty

nannykim said...

That dog is so cute--and I love the name!! Do you have to brush her much?

Mimi said...

Go to my my post for today.....I have tagged you...

Jim's Patty said...


Yes, she is sooooo cute. She is a Maltese mix and how we got her was surely a God-thing. While having Bible Study here about 10 years ago, my sister brought her to my house as she had found her wandering down a busy road. She asked me to keep her while she drove around trying to find anyone who may be looking for a lost dog.

The minute she came into the house, she jumped up into a pink Queen Ann chair like it had been hers forever. Um, think that will be my next picture of her. Anyway, I looked at her and thought, "If you were my little dog, I would name you Blessing." Then I thought, "what am I thinking . . . someone will claim this precious dog." Well, they did, but were looking to give her away. Can you believe it! They didn't want any money at all, gave me her food, a carrying case, shampoo and even gave her a bath before I took her home--to hubby's surprise. Anyway, after much pleading with Mr. Jim, he gave in and she's been our little Blessing ever since.

No, I don't brush her at all. We get her groomed about every six to eight weeks, and I give her a bath every two weeks. I blow dry her and she looks just fine. Will share a pic when she gets groomed. Of course, you can let the hair grow to the floor, but then much grooming must be done. Well, now that I've given you the Blessing history, thanks for the comment.

By the way, your furniture looks great and your home is so bright and cheerful.

Until next time.

In Him,
Jim's Patty

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with what Jodi said...
He loves me in my dormant seasons as well as in my blooming seasons...I need this saying imprinted on my heart!

Blessing is adorable! Renoir would love her I am sure!

Pam said...

Hey Patty: Just wanted to let you know I got my blog up and going. Come visit anytime. Love, Pam